Why Choose This Course?

Unlock Your Career Potential

Engineers often find it challenging to advance in their careers or secure high-impact, rewarding jobs. This is usually because they focus primarily on the technical aspects of their roles. While technical skills are crucial, they are merely tools to achieve what engineers are truly paid for: solving business problems through technology.

Maximize Your Impact

Engineers at different levels contribute in varied ways, from handling single components to overseeing entire solutions. The greater your impact, the higher your position and compensation. Senior and Staff Engineers, who influence systems and entire solutions, must design efficient, business-aligned systems.

Bridging the Gap Between Technology and Business

Typical system design courses teach technical skills but often overlook the connection to business problems. This course fills that gap, emphasizing the importance of recognizing and addressing business priorities with technical approaches. Learn to go beyond load balancing options and performance tactics by focusing on solving real business challenges.

For Business Leaders

As an Engineering Manager, Director of Engineering, or VP/CTO, you may have experienced projects running late or missing critical functionality. This course helps your team become more business-oriented, ensuring that technology choices align with business needs. This leads to higher quality, reduced time to market, and increased customer satisfaction.

For Engineers and Engineering Managers

Middle and Senior Engineers aspiring to grow into leadership roles will gain essential system design skills. Engineering Managers will learn to govern technical projects better and communicate effectively with their teams.

Course Structure

Comprehensive Curriculum

• Duration: 10 weeks

• Lectures: 10 weekly sessions

• Assignments: 10 intermediate tasks plus a final System Design project with a live presentation.

• Platform: Zoom (lectures in English)

Engaging Assignments

You will enjoy practical home tasks that include gathering requirements, making availability calculations, applying design patterns, drawing diagrams, and writing RFCs. Each assignment comes with thorough feedback to ensure you master the concepts.

What You’ll Gain

1. Business Requirements: Learn to gather and prioritize them effectively.

2. Performance and Security: Satisfy all essential requirements.

3. Architectural Decisions: Make informed choices.

4. Documentation: Master documenting software architecture and solutions.

5. Resource Calculation: Calculate storage, network bandwidth, and compute needs.

6. System Observability: Ensure your system is observable.

7. Lecture Recordings: Access video recordings of each lecture for future reference.


The Business Oriented System Design Course is created by a true expert in the field. It will help you build a solid foundation in System Design through lectures, interactive exercises, and homework.

It focuses not only on technical skills but also on linking them to solving real business problems. You will never be alone with your challenges; other students will be studying alongside you, and Vladimir will personally do his best to help you achieve your goals.

This course is a great investment that will significantly benefit your career in System Design. Highly recommended!

- Software Engineer, OpSec Security

More Testimonials

I am currently midway through a business oriented system design course that has been incredibly valuable so far. The course covers essential topics such as gathering and prioritizing business requirements, preparing a utility tree, and performing availability calculations for systems. We have also learned how to write Architecture Decision Records (ADRs) and create various diagrams, including context diagrams, container diagrams, and sequence diagrams. Additionally, we have explored advanced topics like sharding, rate limiting, and caching strategies.

One of the standout features of this course is the home tasks assigned after each class. These tasks have been instrumental in helping me consolidate and apply the concepts learned. The timely feedback from Vladimir on these assignments has been extremely helpful, and the opportunity to discuss different approaches and clarify doubts with him significantly enhances my understanding of the material.

Overall, the course has been comprehensive and practical, providing both theoretical knowledge and hands-on experience in system design. I am looking forward to the remaining sessions and confident that they will continue to build on this strong foundation.

- Software Engineer, Bolt

How to enroll

Enrolment to the cohort #2 is closed, but you can request to be added to the waiting list by writing me to twitter or telegram DMs. You can also send me an enquiry through the form on the consultation page. Include the "System Design Course" in the topic.


• Cost: €399 (Pay via PayPal or Wire transfer)

• Group Discount: 20% off for groups of 3 engineers from the same company.

• Reimbursement: Invoices available for employer reimbursement.

Apply now!